Friday, July 15, 2011

The "Mo and Joe " ride begins.

Here we go again on to Vancouver Island to ride a total of 760 Kilometers(K's)
If you received the brochure you will notice that the total mileage on the island is less than the 760K's!! -- so -- I will be doing the "extra" mileage on the way up to Vancouver starting with the first leg going to Tomales from Inverness. The scenery on the way there will have to compare with that on Vancouver Island as you can see on the accompanying snapshots. The Island ride, as outlined, will cover 592 K's(370 miles) and the rest will be in California and Oregon some of which we have ridden before.
The first ride as I mentioned will be 44K's (27miles) and the next ride will probably be in Oregon -- will keep you posted.


  1. We are with you !!! All the best for both.

  2. Bravo to you both, and here's to a great ride!

  3. Go for it mate

  4. Hi Joe and Mo,

    Looking forward to seeing you in Victoria. We have lots of local scenic, winding, undulating roads for you to rack up those miles(kilometres).

    Rod and Sharon

  5. Best of British (!). chaps.

  6. An Irish blessing for the journey:
    May the road rise to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face...
    And rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

    Bea Keegan

  7. Where are you Joe?
    I enjoyed our day at Pt Reyes clinic doing our "pro-bono" cardiology clinic! Looking forward to an ECG tutorial.
    Hope your wheels are turning smoothly and weather is fine.

    Barb & Lance Wyeth

  8. I'm sitting at my computer and can't keep up with u.
    Go 4 it
    Gerry and Toni

  9. You can't imagine how tired I suddenly became while reading about your mighty exertions. It actually brought on an attack of sedentary! Most unusual for me, as you no doubt know. mare joins in sending un gran abrazo to each of you....Conrad

  10. Joe and Mo, I am jealous of your trip and riding in beautiful and cool country roads. Today is quite humid in Grand Turk. I miss my bike riding and the dawn patrol. Jack and Janet

  11. Hello Mo and Joe

    What a grand adventure. Beautiful sketches and photos and descriptions. You are an inspiration. Drive safely and we will see you soon.
    Bravo. Rory and Carol

  12. Thanks for sharing this adventure !!! You both are incredible. See you around.
    Mariana & Kit
